Kim Kardashian Has Earned $59m From Effectively Selling Her Body

Kim Kardashan, Entertainment, News, Kim Kardashian Has Earned $59m From Effectively Selling Her Body
Kim Kardashian's famous butt is said to be insured for £13million-plus and she is worth £65million. And when you add it all up is seems that Kim, 34, has made an estimated £38million from effectively selling her body.

Now a new biography, called Simply Kim reveals her stunning ability to market herself.

Author Sean Smith says:

“It’s as if Kim stood in front of the mirror and decided how best to utilise every bit of herself.
Every part of her is worth something. Ironically, the one thing product-free is her most famous asset. Kim has no endorsements connected to her bottom.”
Kim Kardashian’s figures

Chest: She models her Kardashian Kollection Intimates lingerie, Divinity Collection swimsuits and Muscle Flex sports bras. 

Eyes: The Kardashian make-up range has 12 items including mascara, eye shadow and six types of fake eye lashes as well as sunglasses. 

Feet: £1.6m for Sketchers Shape-Up shoes plug, also co-founded website making £1.3m from sale in 2013. 

Hair: Kardashian Beauty Hair Products include Black Seed Dry Oil, dryers, straighteners and she plugs Tria at-home laser hair removal system. 

Bum: No specific endorsements, but Kim is said to have had her famously rounded bottom insured for $21m in 2014. 

Lips: Eight shades of lipsticks and glosses raked in millions and she was also paid £970,000 to pucker up and promote a range of lollipops. 

Nails: She has her own Kim-pletely In Love nail-varnish line with the OPI cosmetics giant. 

Neck : Put to good use selling trinkets from her Belle Noel and Virgins, Angels, and Saints ranges of celebrity jewellery. 

Skin: £650,000 for endorsing Perfect Skin range, £160,000 for her Glamour Tan, seven perfumes worth £12m and she plugs Fusion Beauty too. 

Waist: Her share of £20million from Kard­ashian Kollection clothes plus £1.5m plugging QuikTrim weight-loss pills.

Culled from UK Mirror
