Blogger Chimezie Peters Ozofor Blast Female Fan Who Cried Over P-Square Breakup

It's so annoying and painful how some individuals bring themselves so low just for mare recognition. For goodness sake how can a full grown lady open her wide mouth with fat lips and cry for people whom are just messing around. 
P Square, Entertainment, Celebs, Blogger Chimezie Peters Ozofor Blast Female Fan Who Cried Over P-Square Breakup
Honestly I gave up on P Square ever since they began their childish acts. I'm really disappointed in them because these are guys I know from scratch till they got fame. Main reason why I wrote an open letter to them the first day all these mess started Open Letter To The Okoye's (P Square) By Chimezie Peters Ozofor which with the help of other blogs sponsoring the post made it reached millions of audience all over the globe.

Back to you young lady I watched your video, I saw all seriousness in it. Infact anyone who sees it would assume their issue is more heartbreaking than the current challenges/situations Nigerians have been facing. But the truth is, you are a disgrace to woman hood, you really tarnished the image of some ladies who actually understands how stupid what you did was.

I strongly believe you did that just to promote yourself and get noticed. For all I know it was all made up. Yes here in Nigeria God has blessed some people from nobody to somebody. Example; the hawker whom received a car and money from 5 Star Music boss and also was setup a business for.

Also the now popular Olajumoke whom God miraculously blessed through TY Bello from a bread seller to a rich and popular model. During her time, many Nigerians turned themselves into bread sellers over night. I don't know, some Nigerians tend to use every slight opportunity to seek riches and fame.

Now that you have cried and embarrassed yourself and other women, let's see the outcome if it would be the reason why P Square would unite again. For all I know things are being settled by top personalities whom are close to these guys. As for you miss cry, cry keep crying and await your reward from P Square.

Chimezie Peters Ozofor is Editor-in-Chief of
