Actress Omoni Oboli Reacts To President Buhari's #TheOtherRoom Comment

Reacting to president Muhammadu Buhari's #theOtherRoom comment, the actress and movie producer Omoni Oboli took to her Instagram page to share lovely photos of her self giving them nice captions.

She said:
#TheFirstLady πŸ‘ŠπŸ½πŸ‘ŠπŸ½πŸ‘ŠπŸ½ Lady#WhereIBelong #WivesOnStrike#IKnowWhoIAm#ProudContributorToFamilyAndTheWorld #NollywoodInvestor#EmployerOfLabour #IMatter
The actress is trying to say that she doesn't belong the other room, she captioned this one:

#TheFirstLady 😍😍😍 I see my gender as a strength and definitely not a weakness. I am a nurturer, I am a contributor, I am on top of my game, I conquer territories, I am unstoppable!!! I am woman and I know where I belong!#WhereIBelong #WivesOnStrike#BossLady #NollywoodInvestor#ContributorToFamilyAndTheWorld#FemaleFilmmaker #ChildOfGrace#OkaforsLaw #Anticipate
What do you think?
