Trump Called Daughter Ivanka 'A Voluptuous Piece Of Ass', Says He'll Date Her If She Weren't His Child

After coming under fire for misogynistic comments made about women,Donald Trump has more to contend with as it's been revealed he called his ,daughter Ivanka Trump is 'a piece of a**' while appearing as a guest on the Howard Stern radio show.

Uncovered interviews reveals Trump has engaged in lewd conversations with the radio host over a 17-year period that focused on his daughter Ivanka, his preference for younger women, his sex life, how he 'couldn't care less' if he satisfies the women he sleeps with and losing his virginity to a 'hot little girl' when he was 14 years old.

According to a review of the interviews by CNN,while being interviewed for a September 2004 show, the billionaire businessman who was 58 years old at the time, told Stern that his then 22-year-old daughter was 'beautiful.'

'Can I say this?' asked Stern. 'A piece of a**?' 'Yeah,' replied Trump. 
Roughly two years later in a October 2006 interview, Stern and Trump discussed Ivanka's breasts on the show. 

Stern remarked that Ivanka 'looks more voluptuous than ever,' and asked if she had breast implants.
Trump told Stern that she never had surgery for breast implants. 
Trump,Melania Trump and Stern and wife Beth Ostrosky
'She's always been quite voluptuous,' said Trump.
'She's tall, she's almost 6 feet tall and she's been, she's an amazing beauty.'

Trump on Howard Stern in 2003: On how he'd date Ivanka if she wasn't his daughter In another Howard Stern interview from 2003, Trump bragged about his daughter's figure, saying:

'You know who's one of the great beauties of the world, according to everybody? And I helped create her. Ivanka. My daughter, Ivanka. She's 6 feet tall, she's got the best body. She made a lot money as a model—a tremendous amount.''I've said if Ivanka weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her,' Trump said in an appearance on The View.

Trump on Howard Stern in 2006: On having sex with 24-year-olds 

During an interview also from 2006, Stern asked Trump, who was aged 60 at the time, if he would be willing to have sex with 24-year-old women. 

'Oh, absolutely,' Trump replied.
'Would you do it?,' Stern asked.
'I'd have no problem,' Trump said.

The shock jock followed that up by asking Trump if he had an age limit.

'No, I have no age — I mean, I have age limit. I don't want to be like Congressman Foley, with, you know, 12-year-olds.'

Trump on Howard Stern in 2002: On 30 being the 'perfect' age
During a 2002 interview, the two men talked about leaving relationships with women after they pass a certain age.

Trump said the 'perfect age' was 30 for women, until someone interrupted and said 'until she's 35.'
'What is it at 35? It's called check-out time,' Trump responded.

Trump on Howard Stern in 1997: On how he lost his virginity 

In that same conversation with Stern from 1997, the pair discussed how he lost his virginity to a 'hot little girl'.

'It was a young woman, who was really beautiful, she the hot little girl in high school or grammar school or whatever,' Trump said.

'She was hot. I haven't seen her. I haven't seen her.' . Trump on Howard Stern in 1993: On his ex-wife Ivana's accent


In a 1993 interview, Trump complained about his ex-wife Ivana's accent, as she was born in the Czech Republic.

'The funny thing about Ivana is the accent got worse as she grew older, and some people said she wanted it to happen,' he said.

'The accent actually became more pronounced as years went by.
'It was like the Chinese torture. You know, the water drops on your head.'

In that same conversation, Trump said: 'I was actually faithful to my wife for many years, until I realized the marriage wasn't gonna work.'

Trump on Howard Stern in 2008: On having threesomes

During a 2008 interview on Stern's show, Trump shared that he was having 'a lot' of sex with his wife, Melania. He was asked later on by Lang if he had a threesome, and described it as multiple women together weighing 300 pounds.

'Haven't we all,' 'Are we babies?' he questioned.

Culled from Mailonline
