Clothes, Shoes And Accessories: How To Create A Perfect Look

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There is no standard answer to the question “How to look perfect?” Firstly, the word ‘perfect’ has a different meaning for everyone. Secondly, everything depends on the situation. Going to wedding, party, funeral, rock concert or for a walk – every situation sets different rules and requirements. Finally, we cannot forget about mood. We are never allowed to forget about mood.

Nevertheless, there are three basic elements in every image: close, shoes and accessories.


Despite your preferences, it would be much better to have different clothes in your wardrobe.

You may like casual style, and that’s great.However, there are some moments, when you have to wear a gown or high heels, to wear a formal dress or costume. Do not refuse to pick up something universal for such occasion.

The most important thing about picking clothes is finding something appropriate for your body type. You may like something very much, but unfortunately this doesn’t mean that a piece of clothing will look good on you.

It is also important to find something comfortable. If clothes don’t feel this way, you will be unconfident or even nervous and paranoid.


Picking up comfortable shoes is even more important!

You probably know that feeling when you see a pair of amazing footwear on a sale and grab it without any doubts. And later they are just standing hidden somewhere or you regret and curse every time you decide to put this beauty on.

As well the situation with clothes, it is better to buy several different types of shoes – sneakers and high heels, loafers and oxfords, ballet shoes and rubber boots, flip flops and gladiators.


Some don’t think they are necessary, but let’s be honest: this is not true.

Accessories embrace a wide variety of diverse items – from a purse to earrings. A purse or a bag is a must-have thing for almost every occasion. Scarves and hats can be both obligatory, saving their owners from cold, or be simply decorative.

And there is an entire world of jewellery – for any taste and occasion.

There is no unique formula for looking perfect, but you can create your own one.

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