Russia Launches HILARIOUS Social Media Attack On Obama, Now It’s Viral

After President Obama announced that the Russian hack sanctions would include the expulsion of 35 Russian diplomats and the closure of two Russian embassies in the United States, he became the target of one hilarious social media attack by Russia.
The hilarious Russians compared Obama to an animal, and specifically any kind of monkey, and it went viral on the internet.

But wait there’s more! In this one, President Obama is asking Putin “How do we make you scared of our sanctions?” to which Putin responds, “No way. Do you want a banana?”

This is clearly all in good fun. One image of President Obama was edited to include makeup, earrings, and a rainbow flag pin to insinuate that he is gay.

It was all joke and I am sure Obama shrugged it off. But the liberals are having a field day with it. Did Obama really not expect backlash after he created sanctions for something that doesn’t even exist?
What do you think?
