Iranian-American Man Affected By The Refugee Ban Cries In Heartbreaking Video As He Talks About The Ban

This video will break your heart to see a grown man cry in front of the camera. Hossein Khoshbakhty is a contractor who lives and works in America and has been a US citizen for almost 20 years.
Now he cannot go home to his family because he is among those detained at airports in the United States. The heartbroken man said he could not understand why he has to run from the sufferings in Iran only to come and face the same in a country which should offer refuge.

He revealed that he has never committed any crime, neither has any of his family members, instead, all he's done is build for the American people.

"Why I have to be punished for somebody else' problem?" He asked. At some point in the video, he is unable to speak because he starts crying and needs to compose himself again. 

Watch the sad video below.
A video posted by Stella Damasus (@stelladamasus) on
