Trump Claims He Hasn't Had Any Legislative Success In His First 100 Days

President Trump dismissed the idea that he hasn't had legislative success in his first 100 days in office, claiming 28 bills have been passed.
Despite noted setbacks, including his failure to replace Obamacare, the President said he doesn't think 'anybody' has accomplished what his administration has in 100 days, while simultaneously calling the milestone a 'false standard.'

Although there has been no major legislation passed, Trump told Fox News's Martha MacCallum in an exclusive interview: 'First of all, we had 28 bills.'

The 28 laws, which don't include the myriad executive orders he has signed, include two that name Veterans Affairs clinics in honor of people, 13 that repeal Obama-era rules and five related to personnel matters, including a waiver that allowed James Mattis to become Defense Secretary.

During the interview, President Trump touted bonding with Chinese President Xi Jinping to help with North Korea, saying he hopes he can 'pull it off' when it comes to reigning in Kim Jong Un, who test-launched another ballistic missile, which reportedly broke up mid-flight and failed.

'We'll see what happens,' he said.

Adm. Harry Harris Jr., commander of U.S. Pacific Command, said relations with the nation are at the worst he's ever seen and there is 'no doubt' in his mind that Kim Jong Un intends to fulfill his pursuit of a nuclear-tipped missile capable of striking the United States, according to CBS News.

Trump also said he was proud of the confirmation of Justice Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court saying, 'I think he’ll be a great one.'

As for the failed replacement for ObamaCare, he still claims the healthcare marketplace is over.

ObamaCare is exploding. ObamaCare is dead - essentially, ObamaCare is dead, it's not going to make it,' he said.

He said he was 'disappointed' that Republicans didn't have a better plan in place.

'I was disappointed that they didn't have more in line by the time I walked in,' he said. As for a replacement, he said 'I believe they're going to get it done,' and predicted it could happen as early as next week.

As for his sweeping tax cut plan, he said that most of it would benefit small business and 'the biggest of all beneficiaries are middle-income people who have really been hurt.'

Most tax experts have said the plan will mostly benefit the richest Americans.

'The only Americans who are very clear winners under the new system are the wealthiest,' Edward D, Kleinbard, a law professor at the University of Southern California and former chief of staff of Congress’s Joint Committee on Taxation, which estimates the revenue effects of tax proposals, told the New York Times.

Trump said in his first 100 days, he has 'created great foundations in terms of relationships with China and with Japan and with many, many other countries.'
