This Very Nigerian Thing About Trump’s Cabinet

Six months into his Presidency, Donald J. Trump has continued to struggle to fill all of the roles required for his administration to function at its most optimum.
Rather than making lasting appointments, it has also been Trump’s headache to find replacements for persons who have either declined posts or resigned their jobs, the latest being Press Secretary Sean Spicer.

Spicer’s replacement in the position of Press Secretary is Sarah Huckabee Sanders, a daughter of a recognized figure within the Republican establishment, Governor Mike Huckabee.

As deputy to Spicer, Ms Huckabee has had her practice sessions on defending Trump and clarifying his ambiguities when the media point them out.

While she may succeed at that, what she may not be able to do is to mask the apparent sections that exist in the White House, between those who feel they know the better course the President should take, and those who will flow along with Trump’s decisions as he makes them. Spicer and Chief of Staff, Reince Priebus are said to have been on the same page with regards to reluctance towards Trump’s move to bring Scaramucci into the White House.

It bears some resemblance with the lack of clarity that can be found in Nigeria’s Aso Rock where the President’d aides as a whole seem not to always converge on similar points of operations. The precarious nature of the present situation in Nigeria, with Buhari’s extended absence and Osinbajo running the show so far, makes it a bit different from Trump’s problems, but the similarities in some form of disjointedness are material.

But unlike as happened in the US, nobody has chosen to resign here in Nigeria among President Buhari’s aide. If anything, everyone continues to sit tight in their roles, steadily rebuking any persons who have as much as asked a question about the health or whereabouts of President Buhari.

In just six months, Trump’s people have been quitting either over allegations of dealing with Russia or for not finding a fit in the President’s plans. Not many Nigerians have found themselves fit into the Buhari administrations plans in over two years but nobody has quit.

Source: Ynaija
