Pastor E.A Adeboye Releases His 2018 Prophecies

The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) Worldwide General Overseer, Pastor E.A Adeboye has released his annual prophecies for 2018.
Below is the full prophecies released by the pastor;


1. Erstwhile stubborn mountains will move.
2. Many people will wake up to realise that their future is not in the hand of any government and as a result a lot of lost ground will be reclaimed.
3. Sabotteurs will be disgraced and displaced.


1. Significant goliaths will fall.
2. Before the end of the year, there will be rays of hope that all will still be well.


1. This year there will be less fire outbreaks but there will be more floods.
2. There will be misunderstandings amongs nation but no major wars.
3. Pray against assasination attempts globally.
4. There will record breaking temperatures both high and low.
5. There will be a handful of breakthroughs both
scientific and medical.
6. The count down to the end has started.
