Singer The Weeknd Disassociates Himself From H&M After 'racism' Inspired Advert

The Weeknd has disassociated himself from giant clothier, H&M UK after the European clothing line ran an advertisement on its website featuring a black boy wearing a hoodie with the words “Coolest Monkey in the Jungle”.
The singer tweeted on Monday afternoon: “woke up this morning shocked and embarrassed by this photo. I’m deeply offended and will not be working with @hm anymore…”

The Weeknd's decision comes after the clothing brand received major backlash from many online users, who were offended by the racist advertising gimmick, after a black child was used to model a hoodie campaign for kids that carried an offensive slogan "coolest monkey in the jungle."

Meanwhile, H&M, has since apologized, with the offensive advertisement already pulled down from its website.
