Trump Ranks Worst U.S. President In U.S History

President Donald Trump has been ranked as the worst U.S. President in history in a Presidents’ Day poll of political scientists that ranked all 44 of the people who have served as U.S. president.
Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Teddy Roosevelt respectively took the top four spots in the Boise State University “Presidential Greatness Survey.”

While Trump is the 45th President, one of his predecessors, Grover Cleveland, was elected two separate times, making him the 22nd and 24th President, who ranked as 24th on the survey.

The experts were asked to rank each president on a scale from zero – worst – to 100 – best – based on their overall performance in office.

Their rankings showed that Trump came in last place with an average score of 12.34.

Coming in first place, according to the survey, is Abraham Lincoln, who scored an average of 95.03 between both Democrats and Republicans surveyed while George Washington got a rating of 92.59.

Just over 57 per cent of those polled identified as Democrats while 13 per cent were Republican and 27 per cent were Independents.

The top seven presidents that have remained the same since the poll was last conducted in 2014: Lincoln, Washington, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt, Thomas Jefferson, Harry Truman, and Dwight D. Eisenhower.

In the latest round of survey, former president Barack Obama moved up in the rankings to 8th best president, compared to 18th he ranked in the 2014 survey.

Even Republican respondents rated Trump as the fourth worst president – 40th of 44th while they placed Obama as the 16th.

