Wendy Williams Returns To Show After 3-week Health Break

Wendy Williams made an emotional return to her talk show Monday after stepping away for three weeks to deal with health concerns.
Williams, 53, wiped away tears as she expressed her gratitude for the fans and crew members who have stuck with her throughout her fight with Graves’ disease and hyperthyroidism.

“Thank you for understanding the three weeks … Thank you for understanding behind the scenes and just thank you for being my special people,” Williams said,dabbing tears away with cotton swabs as she addressed the audience.
“I do the show, but there are hundreds of people who are the show,” .”And they don’t really get the credit that they deserve, so thank you to everyone.”

Williams announced her temporary hiatus last month after her doctor recommended she take three weeks off to handle her health issues.

Williams fainted during an episode of her show in October — an incident that occurred after she’d missed three scheduled visits to her endocrinologist.

She says she cried when she was first advised to take three weeks off, but now describes it as “the best prescription ever” because she was able to go to a medical team that gave her a “full work-up” and determined she was deficient of Vitamin D.

Williams admitted to always putting everyone else’s needs ahead of her own in the past, but now vows to focus on her health moving forward.

“I’m not doing that anymore,” she said
