15 Things You Should Achieve Before You Clock 30 Years

The purpose for life is to live a life of purpose. Achieving certain feats in life enhances your self esteem and gives you the optimism that you are progressing. The joy of achieving these feats lies in
the fact that it is done in the most youthful and active years of your life.

Below, i have highlighted 15 things You should achieve before You clock 30 years.

1. You must have earned higher education or a marketable skill.
2. You should have acquired a fair understanding of the way of the world (not everyone will treat you kindly).
3. You should be in full control of your life.
4. You should know what you want to achieve in life.
5. You should have a mentor who inspire you all the time.
6. You should have read more than 60 non academic books.
7. You should have alternative ways of financial independence.
8. You should have learnt how to use the computer.
9. You should have learnt to say NO, Especially to things you don't want.
10. You should know the type of house you want to live in.
11. You should have learnt to drive a car.
12. You should have been an active participant in a sport.
13. You should know the things you should do with money.
14. You should know the type of husband or wife you want.
15. You have given your life to Christ.

So, there you have it. Which other thing do you think should be in the list. Feel free to add it in the comment box

This is a guest post written by Philip Ohasuonu, He is a young Nigerian who is actively in search of good and valuable info to disseminate. He is a writer and voracious reader. To know more about him, get close to him on Facebook .
