What Causes An Ebola Virus Outbreak?

According to research, Ebola virus outbreak starts when someone comes into contact with body fluids or waste of infected animals such as monkeys,chimps or fruit bats. Once a person is infected, he or she can then spread it to others, the way late Patrick Sawyer brought it into Nigeria and spread it to others including Dr. Stella Adedavoh which lead to her death and others.

There are five different types of Ebola virus which include
1.Budibugyo Ebola Virus (BDBV)
2.Zaire Ebola Virus (EBOV)
3.Reston Ebola Virus (RESTV)
4.Sudan Ebola Virus (SUDV)
5.Tai Forest Ebola Virus (TAFV)

BADV, EBOV and SUDV have been associated with large EVD outbreaks in Africa where as RESTV and TAFV have not.

The RESTV species found in Philippines and the People's Republic of China can infect humans but no illness has been reported to date but the remaining four species are known to cause disease in humans.

The Ebola virus was first discovered in 1976 in Africa, Ebola virus gets it's name from Ebola river which is near one of the villages in the Democratic Republic of Congo where the disease first appeared.

How Do I Prevent Ebola Virus Outbreak ?

There is no known vaccine to prevent or cure Ebola except the USA's Zmapp manufactured by Glaxo Smith Kline that cured two American doctors and was tested on a monkey recently, and the monkey later tested negative to Ebola. Zmapp has not been officially released in the market as it is still under the experimental stage but the known preventive steps to avoid catching the disease is by not traveling to areas where the virus is found and washing of hands regularly with water and soap and applying sanitizers on the hands.

Health care workers can prevent infection by wearing masks, gloves and googles whenever they come into contact with people who may have the Ebola virus.
