Open Letter To Mark Zuckerberg

Letter to Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg.... 

Dear Sir,

I write to register my complaint over your company’s failure to identify with Nigerians in times of tragedy, but rather chose to identify with other nations.

Sir, I don’t want to believe your bias was informed by the assumed superiority of the races you often identify with.

In any of our recurring tragedies, either when we were bombed in our sanctuaries or social gatherings, Facebook has never identified with Nigeria.

While my heart goes to the French over last night’s terrorist attacks that led to the death of at least 120 people, I couldn’t but lash at the folly of Facebook for failure to identify with Nigeria when an estimated 15,000 Nigerians were killed by terrorists in round-the-clock attacks in eight years.

I notice a smashing theme you created for your 1 billion users to use in order to identify with a particular people. You are even more effusive when you pin the banner on our doorstep for easy use.

When Boko Haram terrorists attacked Baga town in January this year, the death toll was estimated at 2,000. This never melted your company’s heart to create an instant theme for your 1 billion consumers to identify with Nigeria.

Let me remind you that in a single attack on Kano city in January 2012, at least 185 lives perished, and in Bama town in February 2014, at least 120 Nigerians were massacred.

In one fell swoop in November 2014, Boko Haram bombed 220 Nigerians at a mosque in Kano city, 50 worshippers bombed at Madalla church in 2011, and in February 2014, at least 60 students were slain at a Yobe school. Your company didn’t identify with us despite our loyalty to your network.

Let me also remind you that at a weekend in January 2014, terrorists’ attacks on eight Borno villages left 150 dead. Facebook blinked over it – perhaps because we are not the same as the French.

On May 20, 2014, car bombs left a gory sight at Jos bus terminal and a market. 118 people were declared dead. We posted the pictures on Facebook, but you turned your eyes away.

Even ‪#‎BringBackOurGirls‬ movement, agitating for the release of 224 school girls abducted by terrorists, failed to prick the conscience of your company to identify with Nigeria. We posted every activity, every sit-out and every march on your network, but you blinked over it.

As a company, to gives equal opportunity and discourages racism I urge you to identify with not only Nigerians but Africans in their trying times.

Attached here with are two copies of Nigerian flags for your perusal and consideration.

Best regards,

Jaafar Jaafar
