Featured: Introducing Unique Secondary School, Makurdi

Unique secondary school was established in 1998 as a day secondary school. By the 9th year, it expanded its policy to become a boarding college accommodating students from within and outside Makurdi and indeed Benue state. Its main objective is to provide for students and staff a broad and stimulating educational experience in a conducive environment.

The ultimate goal is to nurture and cultivate social responsibility, upward mobility, and discipline in Nigerian youth. Unique secondary school currently admits students from various states in Nigeria. It is a comprehensive institution located in a quiet and secure environment and it is approved by the Benue state ministry of education. With staff resident on the compound, academic activities are a life pattern for the community.

Reformed and conceived as a contemporary school for science, art, social science, and entrepreneurial studies, Unique Secondary School is a citadel of unique standards and academic excellence.

Unique Schools is made up of a Nursery & Primary School and a Secondary School, and is committed to giving quality education to pupils and students irrespective of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, or status.Unique Nursery/primary School, the foundation school, was founded on 9th of September, 1995 while the secondary school was founded on 1st September, 1998 as a day secondary school. Nine years after its inception, the secondary school extended its policy to become a boarding college, enabling it to accommodate students from outside Makurdi. There are also plans in the works for Unique Technical College.

Unique Schools are all co-educational private schools for young persons between the ages of 3 – 6 years (for Nursery/Primary) and 11 – 18 years (for Secondary and Technical Schools. Our multicultural campuses are friendly and supportive with a unique blend of diversity where social networking abounds and friendships are forged.

Unique Schools’ policy trust deviates from the common dimensional academic landscape which has become a wasteland of students regurgitating text books rather than a thorough understanding of what they have been taught hence unique graduates being produced by the schools year in year out. We aim by our approach to cultivate in our students the innate ability to interpret and own the subjects being taught in the classroom. We have devised a solution by designing programmes that will create a three dimensional educational system that produces well-moulded citizens. This is done by utilizing their imagination to develop critical thinking skills. The greatest gift to man is the ability to imagine, it is the truth place of our ability.

To realize the goals and objectives of our schools, state of the art facilities have been provided including an ultramodern science laboratory, staff residential halls, students’ halls of residence, modernized water supply, sports facilities and a faculty of professional and committed teachers with a passion for excellence.


An extensive check will reveal that it is not in vain that we pride ourselves with revered name of UNIQUE. We have since inception in 1998, turned out dozen of first class products most of whom are in Nigerian universities and overseas. We performed brilliantly in all external examinations (WAEC, NECO and JAMB). We have won awards including Overall Winner, Benue State Schools Cultural Festival, 2010.

Admission Policy
Application forms are usually sold from the month of February up until the month of June, of admission year. Unaccepted admissions are replaced in August. Interviews are conducted to ensure that our expectations are met. An intensive pre-admission test is the basis for parents’ assurance that they are making the correct decision. We accept students whom we believe will benefit from our programme and whom we believe will benefit from our informational and unique approach.

A good behavioral need and proof of academic excellence are important to us. Admission decisions are taken by the admission committee. Students entering JSS1 must sit for an entrance examination in English Language and Mathematics.
Criteria for Entry
Category I:

Admissions into the JSS I Class

We admit students from the age of 11 years into the JSS I Class.

The Admission procedure is as follows:

  1. After paying the specified application fee, collect an Application Form from the School office or from any of the other school campuses of Unique Nursery/Primary school, Unique Technical College, or any other designated point which will be duly publicized. Forms can also be obtained online via the school website.
  2. Payment for application form is made into school account number with Keystone Bank.
  3. The bank teller is presented to the Bursar as evidence of payment before a candidate is shortlisted for entrance examination.
  4. Complete and return the Application form together with three passport-sized photographs and a photocopy of the birth certificate of the child (or other proof of child’s age) on or before the day of the interview.
  5. A child must be 11 years before or on the day of interview to be qualified for admission.
  6. Date for examination will be communicated to parents who obtained the admission forms and got clearance from the bursar
  7. The examination xamination Centre is Unique Secondary School, Off Biem Anya Street, New GRA, Makurdi.
  8. Candidates are to come along with pencil, biro, ruler, eraser, pencil sharpener and Acknowledgement Card obtained from the bursar.
  9. Parents are allowed to hang around or leave the school compound and come back by 2.pm after the examination process to pick their wards.
  10. Results will be released to parents through text message and posted on the school website within one week from the day of examination.
  11. Candidates who are offered admission are given a Letter of Provisional Admission and are required to pay the appropriate Registration Fees if they wish to confirm the offer.
  12. The school will provide light refreshments for all candidates therefore parents are advised not to bother bringing snacks.
  13. Admission into the JSS I Class is dependent on the examination scores. (An average score of 60% is usually the minimum requirement).
  14. Supplementary Examinations may be written at other times. Dates for these examinations shall be announced by the school management.
  15. The admission is considered to have expired if two weeks after the interview the candidate is yet to pay the said deposit. The vacancies created by such candidates will be thrown open to other interested candidates and those who have lost those vacancies may be disqualified from competing for such vacancies again.

Category II

Admission into other classes

Students transferring from other Secondary Schools / Colleges approved and recognized by the Government.

Admission is open to such transfer students into Junior Secondary two, Senior Secondary one and Senior Secondary two who are to start in the first term on the following conditions that;
  • there is vacancy in the class in question
  • there is vacancy for such students in dormitories
  • he/she is not mentally handicapped.
  • he/she must have properly been cleared by the relevant authorities of his/her former school.

Such students are required to;
  • purchase and complete an application form and return same to the Principal.
  • sit for a competitive examination along with others seeking admission into the same class.
All fees paid are non-refundable.

The Selection Process

a) Applicants who satisfy the conditions outlined above and who have successfully completed the Entrance examinations and Interviews will be offered a place at Unique Secondary School.

However, there are some circumstances in which a place may not be immediately available:
(i) where the number of successful applicants exceeds the number of places available; and
(ii) where an application is made late in the year, and all available places have been allocated.

Acceptance of a place
b) A place is deemed to have been accepted only when all required paperwork is received by the Admissions Office. Verbal confirmation is not sufficient.
c) If a place is not accepted within the deadline stated by the School, the School may deem the offer of a place to have been declined, and may withdraw the offer without further notification.

For more details: http://uniqueschoolsmakurdi.com.ng/secondary/
