Maximize Your Talents With Johnspeak: These 9 Tips Will Help You Stand-Out As A Talentpreneur


I've always advised most people that come to me to help them kick start their God given talents to always target a particular group of people. For instance, if you can speak fluently then you shouldn't target the uneducated because they won't understand you and that may make your efforts to produce no or less results.

Choosing a particular audience will also help you in choosing the right media platforms to promote yourself and also the kind of gigs you attend. For instance, as a motivational speaker, my target audience are the educated. And I also target a particular social class but that is a discussion for another day. Choose your target audience and save yourself some troubles.


Mark Twain said "Behold the fool said, 'put not all thine eggs in one basket' which is but a manner of saying, 'scatter your money and attention.' But the wise saith, 'put all thine eggs in one basket and watch that basket."

Having a vision for your life and sticking to it is a great way to stand out as a talentpreneur. Let people know you for one thing. George Robson said after winning the Indianapolis 500: "All I had to do was keep turning left."

This doesn't mean that you shouldn't engage in other ventures, but never you allow the other ventures overshadow your first love. For instance, being a musician or chef doesn't mean you shouldn't act in movies if you can, but never you act more than you sing. Lets also learn from Walt Disney who said "l love Mickey mouse more than any woman I've ever known." And that's focus!


Get crazy a bit, bring out something that has never been seen before. Be unique. Create your own style; hairstyle, dress style, speaking style, dance style, in fact, just do something unique. Unleash the creative genius inside you. Please understand that some people in an attempt to be creative tend to portray a brand that may affect not just their present but also their future identity in a negative way. Creating your own style sometimes may not be accepted by others, but if you mind every oppositions to your creativity you won't go far. Your own style of cracking jokes, dance, singing, speaking, dressing etc. is very vital to Standing out in your career. In order to successfully create your own style, you'd need to know more about people in your chosen field of endeavor. otherwise, how'd you know if someone else is not using the exact style you've chosen.


Almost everyone love a giver. Some people may not have benefited from your giving directly but they will respect you when they're sure that your giving is genuine and not some PR stunt. People will always remember how and what you gave than how you sang, danced, or spoke.
Be a genuine giver because according to the holy book, charity covers up multitude of sin.


According to Abraham Lincoln "whatever you are, be a good one." There are different kinds of people in life. There are those whose minds can easily be captured by heart touching stories about you, there're those whose minds can easily be captured with philanthropic giving, but most enlightened people will be attracted to you based on how good you are. So therefore, develop yourself by going for training and retraining or you will go out of vogue.


Most often, people will remember you because of a secret you shared about you. I believe that one of the things that have attracted the world to the American pastor Joyce Meyer was her story of how she was sexually abused by her father. Heart touching stories about you can help to turn the eyes of the media to your direction thereby picking you out from the crowd.
For instance, if you're an addict, innocently convicted, or had been physically or sexually abused, share it. Don't be shy about it. Sharing your story 'd not only make others talk about theirs, it will also make you a role model and also provide you with speaking gigs for you to share your story and how you overcame. The world will always beam its searchlight on anyone who has gone through tougher times to emerge a success.


Get a name that can easily be pronounced and remembered. If people can easily pronounce your name, then, it will be easier for them to remember you. For instance, as a motivational speaker, I've discovered that my name tend to stand out anywhere I go. Some people have had to attend some programs that I have been invited to just to see the guy who bears Johnspeak Uwangue. If your name is too long or too common, change it, or remove some letters. There is a model client of mine that I'm doing brand development and public relations for. Her name is Elizabeth but I told her that the name Elizabeth is very common and won't help her stand out. So, we had to shorten her name to Eli Ebosele which sounds more unique. So therefore, get a name that portrays the field you're into or going into and also the brand you want to be identified with.

8. BE YOU!

Being you is a vital ingredient for standing out in the crowd. Don't live two lives because people are not fools, they will eventually know and when they do, you'd lose their trust, love and respect. If you have a personality that is not appealing, work on it rather than cover it with a fake life. Nobody wants to identify with a fake person.
Let the you in private be the you in public.


In any field of talentpreneurship that you have chosen, never you throw away difficult tasks but rather, face them. The man/woman who is able to turn mountains to plain ground is the person that the world would want to know. If you want to stand out as a Talentpreneur, then you must be prepared to take on what scares others away. No wonder John Mason (author, Why ask why) said "Choose a task for which you're willing to exchange a piece of your life."


Johnspeak Uwangue is arguably Africa's fastest rising and most sought after Motivational speaker, freelance writer, TV Host, Trainer and Talentpreneur.

For speaking and other inquiries please contact him via:
Twitter: @JohnspeakE
Tel: +234 7052931208 (GMT+1)
