P. U. S. H. By Johnspeak Uwangue

Sometime ago, I went to someone whom I needed a favour from, I had met with him severally on the same issue and I was getting wearied of meeting him. I was discussing with a mentor of mine and I told him about it, he just looked at me and said "Johnspeak, go again". I was confused. Why should I go back after meeting him thrice and always got the same negative response. So, I decided to obey my mentor and went again. To my amazement, I was given what I asked for. I got so curious and I wanted to know why he refused me thrice. I asked him and he said "Johnspeak, when you asked I didn't have what you asked for and I didn't want to promise you anything. But after you came the third time, I received from a friend what you required but I didn't want to call you back. I prayed for you to come back and you did." 

I actually wrote down his reply and that has been one of my principles for living.

A wise man once said "life won't give you what you deserve but what you demand" and to demand from life your desires is to keep asking. The acronym for P. U. S. H. for me is Pressure Until Something Happen. No matter how strong a rope is, it must surely get to its breaking point through constant pressure. 

For instance, if you have a job interview to attend in a company you truly desire to work in and you're faced with the challenge of finance, do not sit at home and weep, but rather, carry your bag and start trekking there, let life see that you're truly serious about the job. By the time you make up your mind, the means to get there will emerge. And if after getting there you didn't get the job, change strategy and try again.

Life will always say No to our demands to see if we will quit asking, reduce our standard or settle for less. To P. U. S. H. is to keep knocking on the door of success until it weakens and open up. Good fruits do not fall off easily, only spoilt fruits do. 

A man who's truly in need of something doesn't ask once and relax when he is refused, he keeps asking until his demands are met.
Don't stop asking for what you deserve. We all deserve the best life, we all deserve to live our dreams and we will, if we refuse to quit.

Succeed You Must.

About Johnspeak:

Johnspeak Uwangue is arguably Africa's fastest rising and most sought after motivational speaker, and talent coach. He also speaks through his pen by his writings. He is the founder and CEO of JCCOM, a Media and Talent Management and promotion firm in Nigeria.
For speaking or other enquiries please contact him via:
Email: Johnspeaksuwangue@gmail.com
Facebook: http://facebook.com/Johnspeakuwangue
Tel: +234 7052931208 (GMT+1)
