9 Things You Should Never Share Or Post On Social Media

Day by day people put themselves and their family members at unnecessary risks just by carelessly posting almost 70% of their life privacy , All in the name of showing off, having fun, luxurious life attitudes..etc

Not only that its wrong, some of your status get to fight you later in life, fake accounts are also in abundance, which is why it is vital to keep the information you share to a minimum.

Not here to stop your from your steady and careless posting habits but please refrain from sharing the following.


A lot of peeps are guilty of this, some even go to the extent of even telling you who and who in the family are going and who is staying, Informing the public that you are off to Ibadan for new yam festival and would be there for two weeks might also end in dire consequences. as you could be alerting robbers and bad people of the situation at hand. you could post whatever you wanna post on social media especially Facebook, but when it comes to the holiday/vacation/traveling aspect , Just refrain from sharing.


where are my betting and gambling peeps ,Them who cant do without going to Nairabet ,those streets urchins who cant sleep unless their legs greets the floor of the betting houses.. you see guys on Facebook with status like “Guess What i just grabbed 750k from bet9ja, they must surely pay, on my way to the bank with them” ,Well my question to you guys is, “How would you feel after winning your game and then get kidnapped,or on getting home your debtors are already sitting and waiting at home , its not going to end well.
you can as well prevent this by not posting your winning tickets on social media better to keep this to thyself.


Most people give out their home address location more than you think , its not as dangerous as posting about your holiday plans but can be used against you. lets say “you get someone angry on Facebook, and maybe forget about it but the person doesn’t , He seeks for retaliation and he seems not to be getting any, and then you post your home address on your status innocently, see you in the hospital if lucky.
current location is as dangerous as getting a matchstick to the petrol station we all know what will happen when its lit , Never disclose where you are at the moment , There are a lot of Risks associated to it which you know and don’t need me to tell you about.


Posting details about you Bank account on social networks has no much risks associated to it , But i would advise that you don’t post your bank details publicly on social media. There is no need for it. Anyone who wishes to send money to you should message you privately, Hackers are everywhere and just need a little detail from you and your money is a thing of the past.


Almost everyone is a student of the above course , Social media has a hand in 48% of ruined relationship . Relationships that have been taking to the social networks don’t last.
Social media is not a place for solving relationship issues In Fact it does the opposite, and those who bring their relationship to social networks the networks looking at you like, “Welcome Chioma, so how do you want us to help you ruin your relationship” ??


People who show off their wads of cash , Gold plated items, Mansions , Cars , Expensive cloths etc. on social media should reduce this character to its minimum or refrain totally from doing such. especially celebrities , we all have heard cases of people being held at gunpoint , robbed at home , etc. doing this does not tell people that you are wealthy its just going to give robbers a reason to…..


I don’t think any sane person as of this modern era will go on social media to post their nudes (Unclad pictures) , especially someone who wants to build a personality and be respected later in the future.
Even if you think your privacy is strong remember Facebook could be hacked and all those pictures could be leaked to people you don’t want it to be showed to – Your parents and colleagues as examples. I read a short joke on twitter that said ” All this girls posting there nudes online, i hope you know explaining to your parents that your bride price is no more than a bottle of soft drink wont be hard”


Still using this to elaborate more on family privacy as some of it has been said in No 1 . anything family should stay family and has nothing to do with social media. If Your Family plans to buy the university of Nigeria , Good. when you people do that everybody will then know , but posting it before its being bought has a lot of consequences and security risks. some people put their parents at risk on social media without them knowing , Some even go o the extent of dropping their parents location ,“My mum just left for work” ,This does not make you any better instead makes your mum prone to danger..know this.


I can recall this guy who wrote something about first bank in his second year at school , when he finally graduated 3 years later , he went for an interview and was disqualified because of it , after it was dug up later.

Doing the Ebola outbreak , a single status from a lady about using salt to cure the dreaded ailment, killed people and left the rest seriously unconscious, she was arrested later, the rest is history. The power of social media.

You should mind what you say on social media, they could fight you later. Always speak with caution, accuse with facts and update your status with correct information.

You don’t allow anything to happen to you before you learn from it.
A word is enough for the wise.
And even the wise don’t need a word.


  1. We should really be careful with what we post because so many eyes are on us without knowing.


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