"As You Slay On Instagram, You Can Slay In Your Academics Too" - FUTO’S School Of Agric Best Graduating Student

As you slay on Instagram, you can slay in your academics too’ — These are words of FUTO’s School of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology best graduating student.

Precious Uchechi Okoro, who graduated with a First Class degree shared on Instagram:

The dream which started in 2011 is now a reality. Five years ago when I stepped my feet into Federal University of Tech, Owerri I told myself that I must come out as the best and by the Special Grace of Almighty God I came out not only with a First class degree in Agricultural Economics (B.Tech) but as the BEST GRADUATING STUDENT in the Department of Agricultural Economics and the overall BEST IN MY FACULTY SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE AND AGRICULTURAL TECHNOLOGY. A big thank you to my family and friends you all made this possible. 🙌🙏💃😊😁 

 She continued:  Still on the matter😁, my joy knows no bound.💃 N.B: Pretty girls are smart too 😊 #firstclassgraduate of FUTO, Only first class in SAAT. Now this is God at work! 🙌🙏 And to the pretty girls out there, as you slay on your timeline and IG, you can as well slay in your academics. 
Congrats to her, She’s a typical example of Beauty with brains.
