Delta Airlines Shades United Airlines For Denying Passengers Entry Into Airplane Because They Wore Leggings

Even airlines know how to shade their competitors! United Airlines caused an outrage after they refused a 10-year-old girl and an 11 year old from boarding their flight because they wore which they considered inappropriate dressing.
They also banned two others from entering for the same reason and after a passenger shared what had happened on Twitter, celebrities like Chrissy Teigen called them out and threatened to boycott the airline. 

In spite of that, United Airlines still defended their decision and said it was only representatives of the company and their families who were held to those standards because they get free employee pass tickets and are bound by the dress code. Their action led to the creation of the hashtag #LeggingsGate.

Now, Delta Airlines have weighed in on the saga by subtly throwing shade at their embattled competitor. "Flying Delta means comfort. (That means you can wear your leggings)" Delta tweeted and added a wink emoticon.

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