Beyonce Was Crying Backstage After Kanye West Ruined Taylor Swift's VMA moment - Ex-MTV Boss

In 2013, Kanye West stormed the VMA stage during Taylor Swift's award speech,saying the award for best video rightfully belonged to Beyonce. Apparently, it didn't end there.
Ex-MTV chief Van Toffler has now revealed what happened behind the scenes after that infamous moment and shockingly,he said Beyonce was left in tears.

Speaking to The Hollywood Reporter , who asked what his best MTV story was, the business mogul said:
"When Kanye walked up onstage with Taylor that year, it turned out that Taylor had to go onstage to do her song five minutes later. 
"I ran out of the truck to see that everything was all right, and Taylor and her mom were crying hysterically. I'm not always wonderful with emotions. I didn't know what to say."Then I went backstage, and Beyonce was crying, too."
The incident happened when a then-19-year-old Swift won the Best Female Video award for You Belong With Me.

During her speech, Kanye jumped on stage and grabbed the microphone out of her hand, saying:

"Yo, Taylor, I'm really happy for you and I'mma let you finish, but Beyonce had one of the best videos of all time." 
His intervention was not well received, as an apparently horrified Beyonce invited Taylor back on stage with her later in the night to finish her speech and even then US president Barack Obama weighed in - dubbing West "a jackass".
