JK Rowling Apologises For Accusing Donald Trump Of Ignoring A Disabled Boy

JK Rowling has apologized for inappropriately accusing Donald Trump of ignoring a disabled boy.

“How stunning, and how horrible, that Trump cannot bring himself to shake the hand of a small boy who only wanted to touch the president,” the author wrote on Twitter.

She afterwards got a backlash from many.

The Harry Potter author tweeted, “Re: my tweets about the small boy in a wheelchair whose proffered hand the president appeared to ignore in press footage.

“Multiple sources have informed me that that was not a full or accurate representation of their interaction.

“I very clearly projected my own sensitivities around the issue of disabled people being overlooked or ignored onto the images I saw and if that caused any distress to that boy or his family, I apologise unreservedly.”

Rowling didn’t directly apologize to Trump.
