Osama Bin Laden's Porn Collection Will Not Be Released By The CIA

CIA Director Mike Pompeo has said that the porn collection recovered from Osama Bin Laden's compound in Pakistan will not be released to the public by the CIA.
Mike Pompeo told Fox News this week that the files will not see the light of day despite pleas from the public and lawsuits which claim the public has a right to see the material. Hundreds of other pieces of evidence which were gathered from Bin Laden's Abbottabad compound after the mission in 2011 are to be released "very soon," he said.

"We will release all but, there's some pornography, there's some copyrighted material. And everything but those items will be released in the weeks ahead," Pompeo told Fox News on Monday during an interview to commemorate the 16th anniversary of 9/11.

The evidence that was gathered after SEAL Team 6 took out the Al Qaeda leader has been kept away from the public for six years. It has been the source of debate among intelligence officials, some of whom wanted to keep it private, claiming it all served as "operational" material and was classified.

Pompeo said that he was eager for the evidence to be shared, but admitted some files will remain secret and that includes the pornography collection which belonged to the evil Al Qaeda leader and his soldiers.

"I want to get these documents out. Once we are sure there's not classified material and once we are sure there's not things that we can't release. I want to make sure that the world gets to see them," he said.

Director Pompeo said Al Qaeda still posed a threat to the US and that his agents are still hunting its leaders. Among them is Hamza Bin Laden, Osama's son who, it is feared, is being groomed to spearhead the terror group through a resurgence. Intelligence suggests that Hamza is now around 24. Pompeo said he was confident Hamza, who has not been found since his father's death, would soon be tracked down.

"I never want to underestimate Al Qaeda itself. There are still a lot of bad guys from the bad old days. My team, even as we sit here, is working diligently to find them and bring them to justice. If I was them, I'd count my days," he said.
