Why The UN Must Ensure Global Peace - Trump

President Donald Trump this afternoon delivered his first address before world leaders at the 72nd UN General Assembly in New York.
Trump among many other issues emphasised the need to pursue global peace and join hands to fight every force of evil.

In highlighting one of the high point of his speech, the State Department in a tweet wrote, “@POTUS to #UNGA: This is our hope for the diverse nations of the world. We want harmony and friendship, not conflict and strife”.

In the speech, Trump hammered the essence of peace and harmony over conflict and strife. He reminded the UN of its mission of ensuring good leadership across the world to ensure a habitable world for all.

Trump challenged the leaders to rise up against every non-humanitarian leadership that has plunged people into hardship war and abject poverty.

The US President made reference to the leadership in North Korea and while enjoining the UN to take a strong stand against the regime, he said the US is ready to defend itself and its allies against any provocation from Kim Jong Un.
