Obama, Clinton, Voted For Border Barrier In 2006 - John Kelly

In a press briefing at the White House, Chief of Staff John Kelly has echoed President Trump’s rhetoric of a strict border policy.
Mr Kelly noted that the country needed tough security provisions at its ports and especially the southern border more than before. He said a physical barrier on the border is not horrendous and is an important factor in ensuring a crime-free society.

The former marine general who insisted the country must amplify the activities Homeland Security and ports officials, recanted that, former President Barack Obama and Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton while serving in the Senate including incumbent Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer all voted for the “Secure Fence Act” in 2006. But, the situation has gone extremely worse 10 years later.
The Chief of Staff stressed that, though the country enjoys a good partnership with Mexico and the other North American countries, a massive drug flow and high influx of illegal immigrants have risen on the network that stems from the western hemisphere abroad through Mexico and other central American countries into the US, hence, the imperativeness of a physical border barrier.

Kelly, said, “We need to secure our borders, and that includes maritime and ports. We have unbelievably dedicated men and women, DPV, CHS, that are doing that every day. We need to reinforce what they are doing down in the border. We definitely need more [walls or physical barriers].

“By the way, the Secure Fence Act in 2006, you have to check who voted for that, certainly Senator Obama did. I believe Senator Hillary Clinton, Senator Chuck Schumer all voted for it…”
