R. Kelly ‘s Ex Comes Forward With Tales Of Abuse

Jones said he invited her to his next tour stop, and gave her his number.
She texted him from the bathroom, she said, and he asked that she stopped calling him Rob, and call him “Daddy” instead.

They soon met again in Denver, where, according to Jones, R. Kelly described as his “getaway spot”.

She got to the hotel before he did, she said, and sent him “racy photos” while he made the commute to be with her.

When he got to the hotel, she said she was expecting a kiss or a hug, but instead he walked past her, sat on the couch and began pleasuring himself.

She was stunned, she said, thinking if she should leave. But she was attracted to him, she said, and was just like, “Well, OK. Fine.”

In November 2011, Jones quit her job, she said. She sold her car and moved into R. Kelly’s Chicago apartment.

Veda Loca, who worked with Jones at the time, told Rolling Stone: “She asked me what I thought about her quitting her job and moving. I was like, ‘You only live once.’ I mean, f**k, it’s R. Kelly.”

Almost immediately she moved to Chicago to be with him, he began overseeing everything in her life, she said, asking that she wear baggy sweatpants whenever she goesq out, and send him text updates on everything she did, including visiting the bathroom.

“Daddy, I need to go to the restroom,” she said she’d send to R. Kelly.

According to her, the physical abuse started after she confronted the singer, after seeing the video of his child pornography case for the first time.

“He said, ‘B*t*h, don’t you ever f**king accuse me of something like that,'” Jones said. “He never had spoken to me like that before.”

He beat her when they saw after that, she said, slapping her face and kicking her in the car.

Jones said she wanted to leave him after that, but thought “about how ashamed I was of leaving my career.”

The abuse continued to escalate, and then it stopped, she said, when his Single Ladies Tour started, treating her “like a princess.”

He even showed her off during the tour, inviting her up on stage for a skit.

After the tour, things began to go downhill, and fast.

In January 2013, Jones said R. Kelly moved her from Trump Tower to his nearby recording studio, which also contained several rooms for living quarters.

2 months into her stay in the recording to studio, R. Kelly began using starvation as a means of punishing her for not obeying orders, she said, and she once went without food for 2 and a half days.

It was in March 2013 she was introduced to another of R. Kelly’s girlfriends, she said, after the singer brought the girl into her room and told the girl to perform oral sex on Jones, saying: “I raised her. I’ve trained this b*t*h. This is my pet.”

The night began a new chapter of their relationship, Jones said, the singer forcing her to have sex with different women.

“You can’t say no because you’re going to get punished. You just become numb to what’s happening. It’s so traumatic the things that he makes you do to other people and to him,” she said.

“He videotapes everything that he does, and sometimes he’ll just make you watch what he’s done to other girls. He would masturbate to that and then have you give him oral sex while he’s watching what he did with somebody else on his iPad.”

She finally left him in September 2013. She told him she wanted to visit Dallas to take her son back from his stay with his father.

She flew to Dallas and never returned, she said, but continued to talk on the phone with R. Kelly.

The singer didn’t sound upset or pained by her leaving, she said, and they spoke occasionally and amicably.

She decided to see him again on a tour stop, and he said he would return some items she left in Chicago.

But she was totally surprised by what she encountered on the bus.

Getting in, she walked toward him and said, “Hey daddy!” meaning to hug him.

But R. Kelly was having none of it.

“He was like ‘B*t*h, I’m not giving you shit’ and he was just attacking me,” Jones said. “I knew he wasn’t going to kill me, but it was a lot of force. I was thinking, ‘I’m not going to call the police.’ I just felt so stupid,” she said.

She never saw him after that, and while she sometimes felt shame for staying quiet about his abuse, she also felt protective over him.

Read the entire account HERE.
