'Ministers, Governors, Traditional Leaders Should Undergo Drug Test Before Being Appointed Or Elected' - Emir Of Kano Advises

The Emir of Kano, Muhammad Sanusi II, has advised that all public officers and traditional rulers should be compelled by law to undergo drug test before they get appointed or elected.
The monarch gave the advse when he spoke at the Senate round table on drug abuse held in Kano state yesterday December 18th.

While speaking to the Senators who were present at the roundtable, the Emir said it was hypocritical of leaders to campaign against drug use but allow their “bodyguards and thugs” use it inconsequentially. The moarch said the law, enacted, will help fish out drug abusers before they get elected into office and start to constitute  nuisance.

“I suggest that ministers, governors and traditional rulers should go for drug test because when youths understand that they cannot be governors, ministers or senators if they are drug addicts, they will be into their senses. I am ready to submit myself for the drug test. The country is facing a great danger because the fight against drug abuse has to be taken seriously if we are to succeed. We are deceiving ourselves if we don’t believe that we are part of the problem. Today, it is better to be a drug baron on the payroll of a political leader than to be a legally recognised security man, which means we must clean our acts before trying to achieve anything.” he said

The Emir called for the establishment of rehabilitation centres for victims of drug abuse in the six geo-political zones of the country.
