Alexis Ohanian Puts Up Billboard To Welcome Serena Williams Back To Professional Tennis

Instagram has crowned Alexis Ohanian Sr the husband of the year after he designed a billboard to welcome his wife Serena Williams back to professional tennis
Serena had to go on a break after she got pregnant and welcomed a daughter, Olympia Alexis Ohanian Jr. She recently returned to playing tennis professionally and her Reddit co-founder husband designed and paid for a billboard to welcome her back.

The billboard has photos of Alexis Jr and Serena and it reads: "Greatest momma of all time. Serena Williams G.M.O.A.T. - Alexis Jr + Sr"

An emotional Serena replied to her husband's post, writing: "Literally am crying. This is so sweet. I love you."

And Alexis Sr replied: "@serenawilliam see you soon GMOAT."
