Microsoft To Support Teacher Owura Kwadwo Who Drew Computer Interface On The Board For His Students

A basic school teacher identified as Owura Kwadwo has become a hero online after photos of him teaching ICT on a board went viral.
Kwadwo shared photos of himself on his Facebook page weeks ago teaching students how to identify basic elements on a computer monitor without actual resources and his action has received the attention of “Microsoft”.

He resorted to the drawing board to teach pupils in his class how to use a computer – the ICT teacher sketched an average Microsoft Word document on the chalkboard with the parts of the window labelled, enabling the students to get a little idea of the various parts of a typical Word document.

His zeal to teach and enthusiasm to make his pupils comprehend the subject gained attention of some people on social media who made pleas for him to get support.

See more photos below...

An entrepreneur on Twitter, Rebecca Enonchong @africatechie appealed to Microsoft Africa to assist the teacher with resources and build his capacity to motivate him keep on with his task.

This appeal was warmly welcomed by the Microsoft Africa team who responded to her tweet by emphasising that,

“Supporting teachers to enable digital transformation in education is at the core of what we do. We will equip Owura Kwadwo with a device from one of our partners, and access to our MCE program & free professional development resources on”
