Omoni Oboli Escapes Car Accident

Omoni Oboli Escapes Car Accident, News, Accident, Entertainment, Omoni Oboli,
Nollywood actress, Omoni Oboli is still thanking her God for sparing her life. The talented actress escaped what should have been a fatal auto-crash last Sunday.

Sharing the ugly experience on her Instagram page, the actress said, she and her friend, Tomes Adeoye were having a pleasant evening ride when suddenly another motorist emerged from nowhere to ram into theirs.

“Please help me thank my Lord and my King for saving @tomesadeoye and I from a terrible accident yesterday! We were cruising down the high way on top speed when a mad driver suddenly cut in front of us to make a last minute exit. We swerved and for a minute, we lost control of our car. How we managed to come back on track is pure God. I just kept screaming ‘The blood of Jesus’ We were badly shaken but thankful that it was only our nerves that were hurt. I am thankful for the blood of the Lamb! Stay safe fam! #Iamblessed #Iamthankful #Istaywinning #Jesustookthewhee “ sha said.
