Clinton Warns Trump To Stop Threatening North Korea With War

Former U.S. Democrats presidential candidate Hillary Clinton on Wednesday warned that threats to start war on the Korean peninsula were “dangerous and short-sighted”, thereby urging the United States to get all parties to the negotiating table.
The former Secretary of State equally called on China to take a “more out front role” in enforcing sanctions against North Korea aimed at curbing its missile and nuclear development, Reuters reports.

Clinton told the World Knowledge Forum in the South Korean capital of Seoul of her belief of more pressure and diplomacy to bring North Korea to talks, arguing that, “There is no need for us to be bellicose and aggressive (over North Korea)”.

The feud and cavalier threats between the Pariah nation and the United States which has been the subject of global discourse was ignited in August, when Kim Jong Un launched an hydrogen missile bomb to show its improved nuclear capability, and has degenerated into ugly comments, with Trump calling the North Korean leader “little rocket man” on a suicide mission, and vowing to destroy the country if it threatens the United States or its allies, while, the North regime called Trump “mentally deranged” and a “mad dog”.

“Picking fights with Kim Jong Un puts a smile on his face,” Clinton said, in a slight dig at Trump without mentioning him by name, but made additional indirect reference to the president’s Twitter comments on Pyongyang, saying, “The insults on Twitter have benefited North Korea, I don’t think they’ve benefited the United States”.

Clinton also said Washington’s allies have increasingly been expressing concern over the reliability of the United States, and thus advised Washington to avoid becoming distracted with North Korean threats and be “as forcefully patient” as possible.

Clinton also noted that Beijing would be better off trying to “tighten and absolutely enforce sanctions” against North Korea.
