Anti-Open Grazing Law Not Responsible For Killings In Benue: An Open Letter To Defence Minister, Gen Mansur Dan Alli By Ukan Kurugh


It has taken me time to reach you with my episode because at the time of the need to write you, my heart was boiling with the sight of the dead, the wounded and height of destruction of property, including field and storage crops due to atrocities by herdsmen in the Nigeria's Benue State.
Although the situation has not abated, I have pulled myself together to write and put into perspective facts with respect to the situation in the Benue State, which you have feigned ignorance and has even attempted to misrepresent same.

You told the press nearly 3 weeks ago that the massacre in Benue State is as a result of the blockage of grazing route and cattle reserves. The Honourable Minister, this statement appears as incitive justification for the massacre and therefore, uncharacteristic of the man of your standing and office.

The Nigerian federation has experienced a number of reforms since independence, metamorphosing from a parliamentary system of government to the present presidential system, which empowers states to make laws for good governance of the respective states that make up the Federal Republic of Nigeria (FRN). It is instructive to note that each of the 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory that makes up Nigeria has its peculiar case and has evolved ways of attending to them.

And because you seem to ignore the facts of the issue at hand, it is pertinent to bring to your notice that the long-term goal of grazing Reserve concept was to change nomadic pastoralist to settled and semi-settled agro-pastoralist and ultimately Mixed Farmers (Mixed Farming is a system of farming is a system in which crop growing is combined with keeping livestock for profit).

The concept itself according to Babalobi Olutayo originated from a study conducted in 1954 to review Fulani pastoralists. In the IBRD/World Bank 1954 Review Team Report, ‘stabilizing’ the pastoral mode of production was suggested as the most important factor in the expansion and modernization of modern production.
However, it was not until in 1964, shortly after independence that the first Grazing Reserve, the Rumar-Kukar-Jangari was established in 1964 by the Northern Region government as a result of the merging of the Rumar and Jangari forest Reserves at Kukar in the present Katsina State (Okoh et al 1988).

Recently, when the present Minister for Agriculture and Natural Resources Audu Ogbeh declared openly that President Buhari had directed that 50,000 hectares of land be acquired in all the 36 States of Nigeria, the directive was hailed by some northern Governors (Benue State not inclusive) and rebuffed by most southern Governors.

The reason for this is not far fetched. One, the conditions for existing pastoralists will become more difficult as both (crop) farmers and the conservation lobby expropriate land.

Besides, the insistence of the Federal Government on Grazing Reserve concept as indicated in past pastoral development agenda including the 1988 National Agricultural Policy of Nigeria is not economically feasible, politically expedient, environmentally realistic or peace seeking. It has the marks of ethnic bias and political muscling which will only endear strife and conflict in the nation (as it is currently the case).

Honourable Minister Sir, is it not true that the main challenge with respect to the current crisis in Nigeria lie with the urban pastoralist: emerging crop of wealthy northern Nigerians (mainly but not only Hausa-Fulani) who have systematically transferred their wealth into livestock?

These northerners include retired military men, top civil servants, politicians and business men. Recent information holds these modern urban pastoralists responsible for the heavy arming of migratory herdsmen that is a common experience all over the country (See Ranches, Grazing Reserves and (Fulani) Pastoralism in Nigeria by Babalobi Olutayo Olajide (2016)).

In view of the reality of dwindled natural grazing land that is getting worse with population increase, the most realistic option for the present and future according to the peoples of Benue State and indeed, other states of Nigeria is ranching. This viable option to nomadic life informed the decision for the Open Grazing Prohibition and Establishment of Ranches Law 2017.

Sadly, these influential Nigerians (and foreign Fulani), using the umbrella of Miyetti Allah Kautal Hore vowed, even before the coming into force of the law in December last vowed to resist same and occupy the state. This, they openly declare vide a press conference calling on Fulani from all over the world to converge on the state, which they did at the wake of this year leading to no fewer that 73 deaths initially.

Mr. Minister, is the entire land mass of Benue cattle route and or grazing reserve? As the Defence Minister, what has been your action regarding this open declaration of war on a state, which its House of Assembly, is empowered by the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria to make laws?

I am tempted, like every other Benue man to conclude that as a retired military general, you are one of these "influential" Nigerians who have transferred their wealth into cattle and have preferred the archaic system of cattle rearing to the modern way of ranching, which is touted as the global best practice.

Times have changed as well as ways of doing things. Hence, it is only logical to move away from the traditional system to a modern practice that would also afford the pastoralist the opportunity to acquire education. Educating these mind is significant because to my mind, these people are perpetrating these barbaric acts because they are not educated to reaise that human life is more sacred than cattle.

Lest I forget, your statement, in no way indicates that you and indeed, the Federal Government of Nigeria is committed to seeing to the end of thus crisis. It has also shown that you have backed the action by the herdsmen without regard to the life and economic means of the Benue peasants. This is divisive and capable of causing disunity of nit just the north but also the Nigerian state.

How do you expect children that are orphaned as a result of the occupation of their parents' ancestral lands by the Fulani herdsmen to relate with those who sniff life out if their parents? A seed of die order has been planted and watered by your action and or inaction with respect to killings in Benue State. This you have done by justifying the killings by your assertion which implies that unless and until the Fulani are freely allowed to roam about with their cattle.

Mr. Minister, you may have studied elementary agriculture and that puts you into the position to understand that the rearing of animals. and the cultivation of crops cannot take place on the same piece of land. Note that more than 75% of the population of Benue depend on agriculture (crop production) for their livelihood. Even before your declaration, herdsmen took over their fields and the aftermath of your statement has seen the assault spreading to states of Taraba, Nasarawa and some southern states.

Be a nationalist Mr. Minister otherwise, what you have waved with your left hand blaming the people of Benue for has degenerated into a national problem as no section of the country but the core northern states is spared. Though the so called Nigerian Civil War predates predates the time of my birth, literature has shown that these signs are reminiscence f that era.

The lives of Benue people matters. Forget tribal sentiments and personal interest (for cattle) and embrace modern practice of rearing cattle. By the way, the existent law in the state was enacted as a panacea for peaceful coexistence between herdsmen and farmers and prevention of cattle rustling.

Land in Nigeria is in the hands of governors of the various states and not the Federal Government. This position is clearly stated in the laws of the country. Therefore, the federal government cannot insist on what out has limited powers.

Laws are meant to be obeyed even as the law is not a respecter of persons.

You have danced on the graves of innocent Benue lives alright. Call it a quit, tender apology to the people and call your kinsmen and fellow "influential" northerners to order.

Ukan Kurugh
