Oritsefemi Humbly Apologises To Shina Peller, Says Quilox Is His 'Home'

After the whole beating and stabbing drama that ensued between Oritsefemi and the bouncers of Quilox niteclub, Lagos, a humble and hospitalised Oritse Femi has apologised to the club owner Shina Peller for his unruly and disappointing behaviour.

Despite not having any physical injury, and after shading Shina Peller, the singer landed in hospital yesterday to 'recuperate' from the 'emotional trauma'.

Oritsefemi ended his humble apology with 'Quilox is my home'.

Read his contrite words to 'home owner' Shina Peller.

@shinapeller remain my boss my friend and a brother for life....I know you will never ask any one to mob me.. It's never your fault neither your management team.. v chilled with you home and abroad, you are a cool hearted person...you'v been good to every one you v came across ...

I don't know were this is coming from , but v accepted it as a very deep lesson from the almighty "amuwa olorun ni" ...in any way v offended you please forgive me ..and let our relationship remain stronger ....for the injured bouncer I will take a good responsibility for his health condition and always check on him ,as so many people v also pay me a visit here in the hospital and also my well wishers on social media ...

I thank you guys for forgiving me .. iliasu " the injured bouncer "is also my brother from the same hood "aj city " I feel his pain also ... How I wish his not the victim he wouldn't v let any one touch me cos I know him to be a very galant dude ever...my people am deeply sorry for all that happens ...

I promise to be the most gentle human being living on this earth..regardless any circumstances ...quilox nite club remain my home , our house ....your own Na still your own...jah love remain ....thanks

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