Hillary Clinton Jokes About #Covfefe Being A Hidden Message To The Russians (VIDEO)

Hillary Clinton has used Donald Trump’s mysterious late-night “covfefe” tweet to take a jab at the President and his alleged ties to Russia.
She was speaking at the Code Conference in Southern California on Wednesday, when one of the moderators brought up covfefe – a word that took on a life of its own after Trump tweeted a few minutes after midnight:

“Despite the constant negative press covfefe.” (The tweet has since been deleted).

White House spokesman Sean Spicer refused to admit Trump’s tweet was a typo when he addressed reporters Wednesday. Instead he said “The president and a small group of people know exactly what he meant.”

Well, when Hilary was asked her thoughts about it, she said, to a loud laughter from the audience:

“I thought it was a hidden message to the Russians.”

Press play to watch:
